Keeping our clients warm during the Winter months is one of our top priorities when installing a new HVAC system, but keeping them safe while doing this is even more important.
Unfortunately, heating fires are the most common during December, January, and February, and can cause large amounts of damage to homes and apartment buildings.
However, by making sure that you transition your HVAC system safely into heating, you can help you and your family remain safe during these next few months.
Here are a few tips on how to successfully and safely transition your system:
- Start Early: Always make sure to heat up your system BEFORE you really need to use it. It it much better to transition your system to heat before the temperature drops, especially if the system has been out of use for the past few months.
- Lookout For Burning Smells: by being on the lookout for burning smells or strange noises, you can prevent potential damage to your home and your system. Also be sure to check the air flow on your system. If you are noticing any of these smells or sounds, be sure to call your HVAC provider.
- Say Goodbye To Space Heaters: Unless you are being extra careful with your space heater, they are generally a bad idea. They can be quite dangerous if not used correctly, and can result in damage to your home. Be sure to unplug any space heater whenever you leave the room or head to bed.
- Check Your CO Detector: Carbon Monoxide detectors are a necessity for any home, but they become even more important during these Winter months. If your heating system has a malfunctioning ventilation, it could potentially fill your home with Carbon Monoxide.
Looking for more tips regarding the heating and air conditioning system in your home? Make sure to check out our previous blog posts!